Zebrito's Escape
A downloadable game
YouTube - Zebrito's escape Trailer
Zebrito's Escape is a game that will train-post reflexes. Throw in the dynamic world of the hostile island little Zebra is trying to escape from the dangers of the levitating platforms. Our little hero Zebrito is closed there by the bad cop called Followny. The bad part are not the heavy padlocks but the place where he is closed. This is a strange island of levitating platforms and you have to help the little zebra to jump successfully from platform to platform and manage to escape from this weird island.
- 4 worlds with 6 levels each filled with crazy flying platforms.
- Each subsequent level gets more difficult and what Zebrito has to do is never easy. At first platforms only move horizontally and vertically, but later in the game there appeared platforms that move in circles, move between random points and with different speed, or some can collapse under Zebrito's feet. For the difficulties that will follow in the last levels we will keep secret to make the game more pleasant !
- Some random levels will be more difficult than the rest and will be very hard for Zebrito to survive!
- Collect coins that are scattered across platforms and level up, gaining new abilities.
- Sometimes you will get additional bonuses +1 life or extra time or key that will help our little hero to escape from the treacherous world of the island.
- Global ranking of all players from web, android and iOS platforms.
PS: Here is a secret for you- if you jump immediately after landing on the levitating platform jump will be doubled as strength and so can jump twice
as far, but be careful because it can make it difficult to hit the next platform.